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UAE condemns attack on ambassador to Sudan’s residence

The UAE has strongly condemned an attack on the country’s head of mission in Sudan’s capital. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the attack “heinous” and said it resulted in extensive damage to the building.
The UAE has also called on the Sudanese army to assume full responsibility, saying the attack came from a military aircraft. The ministry said it would submit a letter to the Arab League, the African Union and the UN over the attack, saying it breached the fundamental principle of the inviolability of diplomatic premises.
The ministry stressed the importance of protecting diplomatic buildings and embassy staff residences, in accordance with the treaties and customs that regulate diplomatic relations. It also reaffirmed its rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism aimed at destabilising security and stability, in contravention of international law.
The Sudanese Armed Forces denied accusations of an attack in a post on X, saying “it does not target the headquarters of diplomatic missions, United Nations agencies or voluntary organisations”.
The war between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces started in April 2023. About 25 million people, half of the country’s population, require aid, and about eight million have fled their homes, the UN said. At least 150,000 people have been killed in the conflict.
